Sunday, May 2, 2010

Finals Week

This time I have been dreading has come upon me fast. Finals week is only 7 days away, which means I have to take a little break from blogging and study! I have notes and reading to catch up, not to mention the mountains of neglected calculus homework and 6 chapters of a chemistry book that I need to study intensively.

I will, no doubt, still update. Perhaps every 3 days until I am back home, settled in, and (hopefully) have a summer job. I cannot say with certainty that any of those posts will be Paradise Lost, since that poem is a bit too in depth to be reading and analyzing during finals - but I will try. I'm also going to start listening to some religious podcasts, which should be interesting. I am looking forward to it!

Now, if you will excuse me - I have a paper cut from my Calculus textbook that needs tending. Wish me luck!

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